Current Sensor SCT-0400

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Current Sensor with 0.40" Opening and 1 to 75 Amp Rating. For use with PM31 Power meter.
SCT-0400 split-core current sensor can "sense" AC current from 1 to 75 Amps passing through the center conductor. Split-core transformers are ideal for installation on existing electrical wiring by snapping around the conductor.


  • Current Sensor rated input from 1 Amp to 75 Amp.
  • Operates from 50 Hz to 400 Hz and has 8 ft. twisted-pair lead.
  • UL Recognized Current Sensor w/ Linearity accuracy ± 1%
  • Accuracy at 10% to 130% of rated current.
  • Self-locking mechanism guaranteed for 500 closing.
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